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Dear Friends and Colleagues, 

  2019 International Symposium for Classical Swine FeverISCSF2019will be held from October 23-26, 2019 in Beijing, China. We welcome diverse community of participants from research institutions, academics, NGOs and industry all over the world to join us in this conference, including participants from countries and regions along the "Belt and Road" initiative. The premier aim of this conference is for the presentation and exchange of the latest developments and practical technical approach in the field of CSF.ISCSF2019 welcomes contributions which inspirit ideas and rational discourse between researchers and industry applications. We hope this conference will help promote the exchange, promotion and cooperation of global CSF prevention, control and even eradication.ISCSF2019 is being actively organized by China Institute of Veterinary Drug Control (IVDC) and it will be held every two years. 

  In addition, the outbreak of a highly contagious disease, African swine fever (ASF), has spread in 30 provinces and autonomous  regions of our country, posing a huge threat to China's pig industry, cause devastating effects to the pig industry and has important socio-economic significance. Joint prevention and control of CSF and ASF can have a positive impact on the pig industry. ISCSF2019 also arrange sections for exchanging of key technologies and strategies for ASF prevention and control. 

  The main theme of ISCSF2019 is "Global Goal-elimination and eradication for CSF". Prominent academicians, experts and scholars well known in this field from National/OIE reference laboratory for CSF, research institutes for CSF and ASF around the world are invited by the conference as the keynote speakers. ‘Excellent Abstracts Award’ will also be announced during this event. More detail information regarding ISCSF2019 can be find in the following section.    

  1. Main topics of ISCSF2019 

  1.1 Global situation of CSF.  

  1.2 Fundamental research on the CSFV 

  1.3 CSF vaccine: State-of-the-art  

  1.4 Update on the diagnosis of CSF  

  1.5 Acceleration of the global CSF eradication process 

  1.6 The challenge to global eradication of CSF 

  1.7 Global situation of African swine fever 

  1.8 International coordination and collaboration regarding CSF and ASF 

  2. Conference Committee 

  Organizer: China Institute of Veterinary Drug Control 

  Operated by: Veterinary Microbiology Professional Committee of the Chinese Society of Microbiology  

  3. Invited Speakers 

  3.1 National speakers 

  Academician Zhang Gaiping: the academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering the president of Henan Agricultural University and the director of the Key Laboratory of Animal Immunology of Ministry of Agriculture. Prof. Zhang has been working on the pathogenesis of animal virus diseases, the rapid detection techniques for animal diseases surveillance and food safety. For CSFV research, he is focusing on discrimination diagnosis for CSFV and other swine viruses, next generation vaccine development and rapid diagnostic techniques investigation. 

  Prof. Tu Changchun: Professor, doctoral supervisor. Head of OIE Reference Laboratory for Rabies at Changchun Veterinary Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS). His research focuses on CSFV molecular epidemiology, mechanism under infection and pathogenesis, diagnostic technology development. 

  Prof./Dr.  Zhao Qizu: Head of Department of Reference Substance Research in China Institute of Veterinary Drug Control (IVDC) and key expert in OIE/national reference laboratory for CSF. He mainly focused on diagnosis, vaccine development and vaccine quality control of foot and mouth disease virus (FMDV), CSFV, porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome (PRRSV) and other important animal viral diseases. 

  Prof./Dr. Wang Qin: Designated expert of OIE Reference Laboratory for CSF in IVDC. She has made breakthrough in CSF research included development of novel diagnosis methods, molecular epidemiology survey, and establishment of epidemiological information system (CSFinfo), pathogenic and immune mechanism, and prevention and control technology for CSF. 

  Prof. Qiu Huaji: Professor, doctoral supervisor. Head of Division of Swine Infectious Diseases, leading scientist in High-consequence Swine Viral Diseases Division at Harbin Veterinary Research Institute, CAAS. He has focused on virus-host interactions, regulation of viral replication, virulence determinants of viruses and development of diagnostic assays and marker vaccines of CSF, ASF and pseudorabies. 

  Prof./Dr. Wu Xiaodong: Director of National Research Center for Exotic Animal diseases, China Animal Health and Epidemiology Center. Since 2001, he has been engaged in the research of prevention and control technology for African swine fever, Peste des petits ruminants, and important exotic animal diseases such as BSE, Rift Valley fever etc. 

  Dr. Song Junxia: Coordinator for transboundary animal diseases prevention and control in Great Mekong Subregion in FAO Regional Office for Asia and Pacific. Dr. Song’s work focuses on policy study and making for the prevention and control of transboundary animal diseases, veterinary international communication and collaboration. She is now in charge of the prevention and control of CSF, ASF and HP- PRRS in Great Mekong Subregion, and contributes to the conduction of the area project, laboratory capability development, as well as coordinate prevention and control in related regions. 

  Prof. Gao Rong: Doctoral supervisor, Deputy Director of Key Laboratory of Bio-resource and Eco-environment of Ministry of Education in Sichuan University. He is mainly engaged in the fields of animal molecular genetic engineering, molecular immunology, nano-biomaterial technology and mechanism of immune responses and immunomodulation of pig to CSFV vaccine. 

  Prof. Chen Jinding: Doctoral supervisor, the academic leader of preventive veterinary medicine subject in the national key discipline in South China Agricultural University. Professor Chen’s research interest is mechanism under CSFV pathogenesis, CSFV immunomodulation mechanism, development of novel diagnostic and CSF control techniques.   

  Prof. Zhou Bin: Doctoral supervisor of College of Veterinary Medicine, Nanjing Agricultural University. His research focuses on prevention of serious epidemic diseases, such as CSFV and Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV). 

  A/ Prof. Xu Lu: Key scientist in OIE/national Reference Laboratory for CSF in IVDC. Her research focus on diagnostic reagents and epidemiology of CSF, especially in the development of diagnostic reagents for CSF. 

  A/Prof./Dr. Zhang Qianyi: Key member in OIE/national Reference Laboratory for CSF in IVDC. He is mainly engaged in the diagnosis of CSF, CSFV surveillance, molecular epidemiology and development of CSF subunit vaccines. 

  Dr. Xia Yingju: Key member in OIE/national Reference Laboratory for CSF in IVDC. Dr. Xia is interested in understanding the host-virus relationships through in vivo and in vitro infection, especially the modulation of immune responses during CSF viral infection in vitro using CRISPR/Cas9.  

  3.2 International speakers 

  Prof./Dr. Trevor Drew (Pending): Director of Australian Animal Health Laboratory, CSIRO in Australia. Dr Drew is also a Guest Professor of Virology in Jilin University of, P.R. China and a Visiting Professor in Virology in Nottingham University, UK. He has rich experience on virology, epidemiology, diagnosis and eradication of CSFV. He has performed a large number of short-term missions for OIE and FAO, most recently in Vietnam, concerning the emergence of highly pathogenic PRRS. He is also advisor to the Government of India on national control of CSF, OIE Reference Expert OF bovine viral diarrhea (BVD) & equine viral arteritis (EVA), and consultant to FAO and OIE on PRRSV. 

  Prof./Dr. Paul Becher, DVM: Full Professor and Head of Institute of Virology in University of Veterinary Medicine, Hannover, Germany. Scientific and Technical Director of the EU & OIE Reference Laboratory for CSF in Hannover, designated OIE expert for CSF. His work has focused on molecular biology of pestiviruses, including viral replication as well as pathogenesis, diagnosis and control of CSF, BVD and other pestivirus-induced diseases including development of DIVA vaccines and diagnostic assays. Other research activities focus on the discovery of several novel animal viruses from pig, cattle, and other animal hosts as well as on mechanisms and biological significance of genetic variability of RNA viruses. 

  Dr. Helen Crooke: Designated reference expert of OIE reference laboratory for CSF in UK, head of swine fever and pestivirus research. Her research aims in assisting decision making in the prevention and control of disease caused by CSFV, ASFV and the ruminant pestiviruses (BVDV, BDV and other pestiviruses). Her current research focuses on the fundamental studies of the interactions of CSFV with host’s immune system for development of improved vaccines and disease control strategies, improving diagnostic method for timely detection of CSFV and ASFV, assessment of the risks of CSFV such as within pork products. She also oversees UKAS17025 accredited diagnosis for CSFV within the UK and provide disease consultancy for CSFV to the UK government.  

  Dr. Sandra Blome: Deputy head of the Institute of Diagnostic Virology at Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute (FLI), Germany, lecturer (Privatdozent) at the Free University of Berlin. Dr.  Blome has long-term experience in working with transboundary viruses under high containment conditions up to BSL 3+ including animal experiments. Her research focuses on studies on pathogenesis of viral infectious diseases with particular emphasis on virus-host interaction and diagnostics/vaccine development. 

  Dr. Llilianne Ganges: Designated reference expert of OIE reference laboratory for CSF in Span, principal investigator of the research line: Pestivirus Pathogenesis and Prophylaxis at the Animal Health Research Centre (CReSA) in IRTA, Barcelona. Dr. Ganges studies focused on the immunology, pathogenesis and evolution of pestivirus and CSFV in endemic situations, the development of serological and molecular diagnostic methods for the diagnosis of relevant viral diseases in animal health, the identification of epitopes and the development of DIVA vaccines against CSFV, FMDV and PRRSV. 

  Prof./Dr. Aruna Ambagala: Designated reference expert of OIE Reference Laboratory for CSF in Canada. Head of Mammalian Diseases Unit in National Centre for Foreign Animal Disease, Canadian Food Inspections Agency (CFIA), Canadian Science Centre for Human & Animal Health, Canada. Prof. Ambagala’s research interest is focused on veterinary virology, immunology and molecular biology, especially diagnostic method development and evaluation for CSFV and ASFV and livestock orbiviruses and its vector.  

  Dr. Katarzyna Podgórska: Designated reference expert of OIE Reference Laboratory for CSF and PRRS in Poland. Deputy of the Chief of Swine Diseases DepartmentNational Veterinary Research Institute, Poland. Dr. Podgorska’s research is based on molecular epidemiology, diagnosis and surveillance of viral swine diseases, mainly CSF, PRRS, and PCV infections. 

  Dr. Cyril Gerard Gay, DVM: Senior National Program Leader in Animal Production and Protection, Agricultural Research Service in United States Department of Agriculture (USDA-ARS). Dr. Gay has worked in the animal health research field for the last 25 years. He currently provides program direction and national coordination for the Department’s intramural animal health research program as well as technical support within the interagency in the implementation of the President’s National Strategy for Countering Biological Threats. Dr.Gay currently serves as Executive Secretary of the Global African Swine Fever Research Alliance (GARA). 

  Prof./Dr. Jishu Shi: Professor in Department of Vaccine Immunology, Director of US-China Center for Animal Health at College of Veterinary Medicine, as well as Fellow of Biosecurity Research Institute in Kansas State University. Dr. Shi's research team focuses on development of novel adjuvants and vaccine technologies for high consequence animal diseases including classical swine fever, African swine fever, and highly pathogenic PRRS. 

  Prof./DVM/ Dr. Manuel Borca: Lead Scientist for CSFV at Plum Island Animal Disease Center, USDA-ARS. He contributed to fundamental research for diagnostic method for FMD, characterization of unique antibody as well as antiviral immunology in early career, and recently focuses on novel vaccine development for both CSFV and ASFV.  

  Dr. Staubach Christoph: Epidemiology expert and scientist at the Institute of Epidemiology of Friedrich-Loeffler-Institute (FLI), Germany. He is specialized in spatial epidemiology of infectious animal diseases using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and Remote Sensing. He developed simulation models for CSF, rabies and avian influenza in wildlife. Furthermore, he established models regarding surveillance of CSF in wildlife and domestic pigs. 

  Dr. Fernando Rodriguez: Director of the Animal Health Research Centre (CReSA) in IRTA in Spain. Dr. Rodriguez has developed multiple diagnostic methods for ASFV. He also works on the investigation of live attenuated vaccines for ASFV and related fundamental research. 

  Dr. Postel Alexander: Head of the section for molecular biology at the EU and OIE Reference Laboratory for CSF, academic officer at Institute for Virology, University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Germany. Dr. Alexander’s research interest focuses on analysis of RNA virus genetic variation, cellular pathology, apoptotic and emerging viral diseases in wild animals.  

  Dr. Carola Sauter-Louis: Deputy Head of the Institute of Epidemiology of FLI, Germany. Her research focuses on studies on infectious diseases, such as ASF or FMD, including risk assessment and control and prevention of such diseases.  

  Prof. Yoshihiro Sakoda: Professor in Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Hokkaido University, Japan. Pathogenesis of classical swine fever virus, bovine viral diarrhea virus, and border disease virus. 

  Prof. Fukai Katsuhiko: Director of Exotic Disease Research Station in National Institute of Animal Health, NARO, Japan. Designated reference expert of OIE Reference Laboratory for CSF in Japan, and is responsible for the confirmation of CSF diagnosis in Japan. 

  Dr. Denis Kolbasov: Director of Federal Research Center of Virology and Microbiology (CVM) in Pokrov, National Reference Center for ASF in Russia. Dr. Kolbasov’s research has focused on animal infectious disease with an emphasis on molecular diagnostics and epidemiology of high-consequence viral diseases such as ASF, avian influenza, bluetongue, Lumpy skin disease. His team has developed diagnostic kits and vaccines based on their research on defining and characteristic specific viral and host genes using  genomic approaches and animal models. 

  Dr. Lihong Liu: Scientist in National Veterinary Institute in Sweden. Dr. Liu’s main interest is identification and characterization of a novel pestivirus species, and establishment of evolutionary relationship between C-strain and other CSFV vaccines. He also participates in validation of field sample preparation and molecular diagnosis of ASFV in Uganda. 

  4. Place of conference 

     Beijing Friendship Hotel, Beijing, China 

     (No.1 South Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, 100080)  

  5. Conference schedule 

      Registration: 23th October 2019 

      Opening ceremony and symposium: 24th October 2019 

      Symposium (Continue): 25th October 2019 

      Leave26th October 2019 

      For more information, please visit the website: http://www.ivdc.org.cn/tzgg01/tz/ 

  6. Contact Information 

  General coordinator: Guo Hui (13520359692) Gu Jinhua (13501113008)      

                       Zhao Qizu (13810789573), Wang Qin (13910072491) 

  Registration:  Zhao Yatong (18810499811), Xu Lu (13691232195) 

  Accommodation: Teng Zhibin (18500516202) 

  Transportation: Wang Xin (15811072134) 

  Hotel Contact:  Yu Mengqiang (18810256707) 

  Visa Issues:    Cheng Yang (yang.chen8@hkcts.com, 15210693814) 

  Presentation:   Li Cui (13520147675), Zou Xingqi (13811413686)        

                  Zhu Yuanyuan (13488769807), Xu Yuan (18901350791)  

                  Wang Zhao (18518036871), Lou Ruihan (13522427120) 

  Dai Xueyu (17680573396), Zhu Limin (188 2627 1429) 

                  Yang Fei (176 0014 6983), Li Yuanxi (15309315270) 

                  Wen Run (183 0242 3437), Gao Xinyuan (17624090776) 

  Conference materials and others: Wan Jianqing (13366932999) 

  Lang Hongwu (13466574981)

  Xu Lu (13691232195) 

  Zhang Qianyi (15810152220) 

  7. Additional information 

  As October is the usual tourist season in Beijing, please plan your travel ahead to avoid any inconvenience. Each participates are also asked to fill in registration form and send back to the conference committee by 10th October to confirm their attendance. Form can be found in Appendix 2. Form can send us through email: ncsfrl_ivdc@163.com. If there are any questions, you can contact Xu Yuan (18901350791), Xu Lu (13691232195), or Li Cui (13520147675). 

  There will be no pick-up service. Transportation suggestions can be found in Appendix 3. 


  Appendix 1. Call for abstract & Conference registration 

  Appendix 2. Attendee Form 

  Appendix 3. Guideline for transportation to Friendship Hotel 


   China Institute of Veterinary Drug Control 

  July 11th 2019 

Appendix 1 Call for abstract & Conference registration.docx
Appendix 2 Attendee Form.docx
Appendix 3 Guideline for transportation to Friendship Hotel.docx

关键字:conference announcement 2019 international symposium classical swine fever beijing 23 26 th
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  • 中华人民共和国农业部公告第2326号/政府公告(20)
  • 中华人民共和国农业部公告第2325号/政府公告(19)
  • 中华人民共和国农业部公告第2328号/政府公告(15)
  • 中华人民共和国农业部公告第2324号/政府公告(25)
  • 中华人民共和国农业部公告第2323号/政府公告(21)
  • 中华人民共和国农业部公告第2318号/政府公告(22)
  • 中华人民共和国农业部公告第2320号/政府公告(24)
  • 中华人民共和国农业部公告第2316号/政府公告(22)
  • 中华人民共和国农业部公告2311号/政府公告(19)
  • 中华人民共和国农业部公告 第2310号/政府公告(111)
  • 中华人民共和国农业部公告 第2306号/政府公告(25)
  • 中华人民共和国农业部公告 第2301号/政府公告(27)
  • 中华人民共和国农业部公告 第2304号/政府公告(28)
  • 中华人民共和国农业部公告 第2303号/政府公告(34)
  • 中华人民共和国农业部公告 第2300号/政府公告(19)
  • 中华人民共和国农业部公告 第2302号/政府公告(24)
  • 中华人民共和国农业部公告 第2269号/政府公告(18)